We live in an interconnected world, where borders are porous, more like living membranes than physical walls. Excerpt from the text by professor of philosophy Michael Marder published in New York Times on March 3rd, 2020.
The border closures, obstacles to travel and quarantines now being imposed in response the viruses are on the surface medical measures, but they are also symbolic, resonating with the same basic logic as the construction of physical walls for political reasons. Both acts are meant to reassure citizens and give them a false sense of security. At the same time, they ignore the main problem — the poor state of transnational governance and decision-making that are vitally important for tackling climate and migrant crises, pandemics and economic crimes like tax evasion.
Full text on https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/03/opinion/the-coronavirus-is-us.html
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