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27.3.2019, 23:53:11   |  Photo: Andrej Žabkay  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Demanding the void

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The centre for choreographic development Se.s.ta within its residency program in the castle Žďár nad Sázavou established last year a cooperation with a new partner institution - centre for contemporary art and residency house Meetfactory in Prague. Both institutions are hosting artists, choreographers, thinkers, performers, musicians, writers and people with interest to explore their research in the city of Prague and in the bucolic industrial environment of baroque castle in Žďár nad Sázavou in Czech republic in the frame of newly established residency program Choreographic studio. During November 2018  Swedish choreographer based in Germany Else Tunemyr was the first resident who took part in both residencies.

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26.3.2018, 14:12:11   |  Photo: Dragan Dragin  |   Category: Space & context, Education, Art & Society

Space and Circulation for Pedagogues

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February’s Dance Pedagogy Workshop (seminar) from SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development was dedicated to the theme of space and circulation within it. It brought together novice and experienced dance teachers from art schools, as well as dancers and choreographers - aspiring pedagogues - with French dancer and dance pedagogue Sophie Billy, dancer, choreographer and pedagogue Mirka Eliášová, architect Dorota Kluska and a coach - myself. Interdisciplinarity and a wealth of experience and approaches to the theme underpinned the days we spent together. The main themes were dance, pedagogy, space and circulation. Space and circulation were considered from the point of view of dance

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