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15.6.2020, 7:45:16   |  Photo: .  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Education, Art & Society, Other

Gallery without borders

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Extraordinary project Gallery without borders hosted a research of eleven dance makers from Czech republic and USA who were together with american choreographer Sue Schroeder exploring the role of the the artistic artefact and its kinesthetic potential in the Gallery - white cube space. Various mouvement  researches were applied and reflected the display and curatorial ideas of current exhibition  Art of Long Century: 1796–1918 in National Gallery Prague.  The outcome of this long term quarantine research was presented life in the National Gallery Prague and streamed on 14th of July 2020. Here you can folow more on why these eleven mouvement artists decided to attend this particular project.


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