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25.1.2021, 17:11:14   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making


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I’ve talked with Becka McFadden - choreographer, dance maker, dancer, performer and writer about her piece Vertigo, which she was developing during the Coaching Residencies 2020 last summer. As I was curious how the work evolved after the intensive time of Couching and what resonated with her until now and how it continues in this unclear pandemic temporalities. I proposed to ask questions about this piece through the tarot reading.

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13.2.2020, 15:54:34   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Detached Gestures

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We asked dancer and choreographer Silvie Kudelová (CZ) to tell us a bit more about her research, current questions, doubts and process of working during her Cluster Residency in the Castle. Here is what she shares with us. 

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30.10.2019, 18:10:47   |  Photo: Zuzana Demlová  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Education

Pedagogical Seminar

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During the first weekend in March, a pedagogical seminar took place at HAMU. It was led by Anna Sedlačková, dancer, choreographer and faculty member at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and dancer, choreographer and dance theorist Jean-Christophe Paré. The seminar was organised by SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development and moderated by Marie Kinsky and Zuzanna Demlová. Zděnka Brungot Svíteková provided translation from French.

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28.3.2019, 1:09:07   |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making

A Few Notes on Expanded Choreography

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Marisa Hayes a Franco-American scholar and artist who had published books and articles about dance for a variety of print and electronic media for Dance Magazine, The Society of Dance History Scholars, and The International Journal of Screendance will be one of this year moderator during Choreography forum on Czech dance platform 2019. She was happy to share her article and thoughts about her current research exploring the theme of Expanded Choreography.

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28.3.2019, 0:13:29   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Using dance

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The night long reading performance Useless lands by Catalina Insignares and Carolina Mendonca, which is a compilation of fictional and theoretical texts that speak about a pre-industrial-revolution world takes place in the Music school in Žďár nad Sázavou on Friday 29th of March 2019 from midnight till the morning in the frame of the interdisciplinary residency Incubator organised by centre of choreographic development Se.s.ta in the castle in Žďár nad Sázavou. In order to introduce the way how both artists think choreography and why they consider expanded choreography as a tool to gather and act, we introduce the excerpt of their interview which was released in Watt - contemporary dance magasine in 2018 and which can guide you in the process of their thinking.

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A Reflection on Discussions at the Choreographic Forum, Czech Dance Platform 2018

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Marie Kinsky, who organised, moderated and created the concept of the Choreographic Forum held during CDP, stated that the aim of the forum was not to critically evaluate performances, but to take them as reference points to better understand how we work as artists and how we communicate with the spectator. In other words, what tools do today’s artists use to express themselves and communicate with spectators, why are these the tools in use and via what means does communication take place?

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3.5.2018, 14:47:37   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Education, Art & Society

Thoughts on the Theme of Circulation

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It’s obvious that the Centre for Choreographic Development is about creative, rather than presentation, strategies. It has long concerned itself with creativity and the process of artistic creation, without emphasis on a performance or a resulting product. The aim thus becomes creative process itself, which can be used in the longer-term development of the artist’s work. SE.S.TA is aware that phenomenon of innovation is the result of investment in the individual and has long brought this neoliberal idea, which is part of the cultural and educational policies of all developed countries, to the Czech dance environment. Interdisciplinary Incubator: SE.S.TA Centre for Choreographic Development, 11.3-16.3.2018, Žďár nad Sázavou.

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26.3.2018, 13:26:52   |  Photo: Archiv SE.S.TA  |   Category: Education

What did I take from the School is Dancing Seminar? How did it enrich me?

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Seminar for pedagogues as part of the project School is Dancing  took place in autumn 2015. The project itself then took place in the third grade of a rural school where one of the participants and teachers  Petra Vykydalová Kupková applied methods gained during the seminar. Here we share her questions and report from the seminar. 

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8.4.2019, 16:44:11   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy

What is the role of the coach during the process of coaching?

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A few ideas around the figure of the coach within the residency programme offering guidance in the process of choreographic invention by Jean Christoph Paré, choreographer, dancer, Étoile at the Paris Opera, teacher, researcher in Mouvemnt Analyses, ex- director of Conservatoir de Paris and last but not least the coach who is part of the Residency with coaching in Prague since its beginning. 

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1.9.2016, 18:45:36   |  Photo: Archiv SE.S.TA  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context

Dramaturgie, prostor, čas, fragmentace a kompozice

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Hlavním tématem Choreografického fóra, které organizovalo Centrum choreografického rozvoje Se.S.Ta. na České taneční platformě 2016, byla dramaturgie tance. Jako k zastřešujícímu tématu se k ní vztahovaly všechny tři moderované diskuse. Fóra se spolu s (především zahraničními) hosty České taneční platformy zúčastnili novinářka a dramaturgyně Mara Serina (Itálie), teoretik a taneční dramaturg Roberto Fratini Serafide (Iálie / Španělsko) a tanečník a taneční kritik Kristóf Farkas (Maďarsko).

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7.10.2016, 14:49:24   |  Photo: Archiv SE.S.TA  |   Category: Process of making, Art & Society

Jako obalená ve vatě

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S tanečnicí a choreografkou Andreou Miltnerovou jsme se sešly v době, kdy za sebou měla rezidence s maďarskou tanečnicí Ritou Góbi na zámku ve Žďáru nad Sázavou. V době, kdy vznikala jejich společná inscenace Kontrapunkt (premiéra 4. a 5. září 2016), na níž spolupracovali i se zvukovým a světelným designerem Janem Komárkem. Andrea vzpomínala na začátky svého setkávání se SE.S.TA a hovořila o tom, jak ve Žďáru vytvářely společný svět s tanečnicí Ritou.

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