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13.2.2020, 15:54:34   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Detached Gestures

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We asked dancer and choreographer Silvie Kudelová (CZ) to tell us a bit more about her research, current questions, doubts and process of working during her Cluster Residency in the Castle. Here is what she shares with us. 

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26.3.2018, 13:26:52   |  Photo: Archiv SE.S.TA  |   Category: Education

What did I take from the School is Dancing Seminar? How did it enrich me?

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Seminar for pedagogues as part of the project School is Dancing  took place in autumn 2015. The project itself then took place in the third grade of a rural school where one of the participants and teachers  Petra Vykydalová Kupková applied methods gained during the seminar. Here we share her questions and report from the seminar. 

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