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3.5.2019, 12:15:14   |  Photo: Adrien Gaumé  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Alchemical recipe to reach the Arch of Fireflies 

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Constant enlightenment blinds us. We are looking for obscurity. We occult our insomnia. Adrien Gaumé is a performer and choreographer (aka sidelaner) based in France, working europeanwide. He is currently re-reading  La survivance des lucioles by Georges Didi-Huberman, where he deals with the famous article about Pasolini about shades of light struggling not to vanish or be killed by the horizon in a socio-political and aesthetical point of view. Adrien was one of the participants in this year Incubator and shares his thoughts on this one week long journey. 

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