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6.2.2020, 14:05:57   |  Photo: watt  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Words do something else, they shape the direction of a piece

Key words:

What if words were the key to working? The Brazilian choreographer Volmir Cordeiro, who lives in Paris, begins a wide-ranging conversation wit the Madrid- born dancer, choreographer, filmmaker and visual artist La Ribot, currently based in Geneva, where she teaches at HEAD (Haute école des Beaux - arts et de design) - on creation, including decision making and freedom in work, as well as relationships with others…. Shaping ideas: what is that? We introduce the excerpt of their interview which was published in Watt - contemporary dance magasine in 2017 and which can guide you in the process of their thinking. 

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