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2.2.2021, 17:42:44   |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making

Šrámy/ la débattue

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Artist, dancer, dramaturge and performer focusing her work on acrobatics and circus Stéphanie N’Duhirahe was this years resident in Žďár nad Sázavou. We asked her to write us more about her process of work  during her stay in the castle. 

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24.10.2020, 19:12:36   |  Photo: Stanislav Miller  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Education, Art & Society

Beside the Black Box: Re-inventing Aesthetics of Coming Together / Art making in the time of Covid

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Kathy Casey – dramaturge and director of Montreal Dance in Canada was one of this year coaches who together with Alice Chauchat – dance maker and artist based in Berlin and also a coach of this year Coaching Residencies presented conversation about their work during the round table untitled Beside the Black Box: Re-inventing Aesthetics of Coming Together on Sunday 23th of August 2020 in National Gallery in Prague. For the panel, Kathy Casey was sharing some works she is currently involved with and which are needing time frames and environments that black boxes don't necessarily suggest for active audience involvement. She opened up how some of these works rely on “devotions”: repeated and investigated over long periods without much predetermined organization, challenging preexisting concepts of dramaturgy and choreography.

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11.10.2019, 11:22:59   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Education, Art & Society

What does mean to be helpful?

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During the Round Table: Choreographing now  two coaches Kathy Casey and Ana Dubljevic were sharing the insides of their dramaturgical processes in the frame of the Residencies with Coaching.  The Round Table took place on Sunday, August 25th 2019 in the National Gallery Prague, For those who could not be there, we asked one of our coaches Kathy Casey - dramaturge and artistic director of Montreal Danse to share the notes of her conference on  What does mean to be helpful in creative process?

A Reflection on Discussions at the Choreographic Forum, Czech Dance Platform 2018

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Marie Kinsky, who organised, moderated and created the concept of the Choreographic Forum held during CDP, stated that the aim of the forum was not to critically evaluate performances, but to take them as reference points to better understand how we work as artists and how we communicate with the spectator. In other words, what tools do today’s artists use to express themselves and communicate with spectators, why are these the tools in use and via what means does communication take place?

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