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17.5.2019, 19:08:34   |  Photo: Zuzana Žabková  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Snow in Spring

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I have heard snow fall before. Still, I find it sustaining to hear its softness anew. Eryn Bell who took part of this year Incubator 2019 in the Castle in Žďár nad Sázavou works with movement of all sorts. She especially likes awkward moments, and humor. She works with what sensations can be noticed inside of one\'s own skin and what one can sense of into the world-others around oneself. From this research she make performances, teach somatics, and research social cognition. Eryn Bell shares her observations on the week spent together in re-looped spiral. 

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10.5.2018, 14:07:16   |  Photo: Dorota Kluská  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making

Spiral reports from one week long juicy entropic journey in the castle

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Six artists one scientist and one architect together with three lecturers and three guides were part of this year Interdisciplinary Incubator which took place in residency Zámek Žďár and Sázavou. During the week 11th -16th of March 2018 they were all together elaborating the notion of circulation through the scope of different fields. Sharing experiences, work in progress, political and cultural loops, conventions and transgression beyond them. What stayed was a circle without center lot of pointless traces and relations on the mind maps, touched and sweaty rooms in the castle. Here are some of the testimonies from the participants who had will to take part and came to the center of Santini’s gothic-baroque land and shared their work and themselves in the loop of this ongoing spiralling. 

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