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24.10.2020, 19:12:36   |  Photo: Stanislav Miller  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Education, Art & Society

Beside the Black Box: Re-inventing Aesthetics of Coming Together / Art making in the time of Covid

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Kathy Casey – dramaturge and director of Montreal Dance in Canada was one of this year coaches who together with Alice Chauchat – dance maker and artist based in Berlin and also a coach of this year Coaching Residencies presented conversation about their work during the round table untitled Beside the Black Box: Re-inventing Aesthetics of Coming Together on Sunday 23th of August 2020 in National Gallery in Prague. For the panel, Kathy Casey was sharing some works she is currently involved with and which are needing time frames and environments that black boxes don't necessarily suggest for active audience involvement. She opened up how some of these works rely on “devotions”: repeated and investigated over long periods without much predetermined organization, challenging preexisting concepts of dramaturgy and choreography.

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