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6.2.2020, 14:05:57   |  Photo: watt  |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society

Words do something else, they shape the direction of a piece

Key words:

What if words were the key to working? The Brazilian choreographer Volmir Cordeiro, who lives in Paris, begins a wide-ranging conversation wit the Madrid- born dancer, choreographer, filmmaker and visual artist La Ribot, currently based in Geneva, where she teaches at HEAD (Haute école des Beaux - arts et de design) - on creation, including decision making and freedom in work, as well as relationships with others…. Shaping ideas: what is that? We introduce the excerpt of their interview which was published in Watt - contemporary dance magasine in 2017 and which can guide you in the process of their thinking. 

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24.9.2019, 11:58:34   |  Photo: Frida Laux   |   Category: Dramaturgy, Space & context, Interdisciplinarity, Process of making, Art & Society


Key words:

Choreographer Frida Laux (DE) recently released her book Paradance on seven various practices related to her dance and writing research she have developed during her studies in Choreography and Performance program in Instute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessed in Germany.  You can read her intorduction to the exploration of the practice of reading, the practice of naming, the practice of writing, without knowing, the practice of writing not in english, the practice of locating,  the seven practices of the marianas trench,  the practice of finishing and see if you want to be part of a Paradance reading group by diving into the circulation of this book.  

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